Aleksey Makeev's Celebration
Please help me make my dream of traveling to Ireland a reality. I don’t just want to go on vacation. I want to learn about my ancestry and meet my relatives. I want to learn about Ireland and its history. I’d like to visit Newgrange, The Book of Kells, the Cliffs of Moher, Blarney Castle, The Chester Beatty Library, and visit a statue modeled after my great-great-uncle in my ancestral village of Bruff.
- 0/100Total Amount $2,500.00Trip Contribution$25
- 0/2Total Amount $80.00A Night on the Town$40
- 0/2Total Amount $40.00It’s Always Happy Hour$20
- 0/2Total Amount $200.00Airfare$100
- 0/2Total Amount $160.00Upgrade to a Suite$80
- 0/2Total Amount $40.00Breakfast in Bed$20
- 25/100Total Amount $1,000.00Traveling to Ireland$10